Invited lecture
Effects of fiber matrix adhesion on the creep behavior of short fiber reinforced polymer composites | |
Bernhard Moeginger, Julian Rech, Berenika Hausnerova |
Surface Properties of Solid Materials with TiO2 Layer | |
Jana Šulcová, Iveta Papučová, Jana Pagáčová, Andrej Dubec, Katarína Moricová, Maroš Dedinský |
Conference Paper
Ján Dižo, Miroslav Blatnický, Vadym Ishchuk, Denis Molnár, Dalibor Barta |
Energy Optimal Control Strategies for AC Motors in Train Applications | |
Branislav Ftorek, Radoslav Chupáč, Vladimír Guldan, Ján Vittek |
Model solutions of the equations of motion of rolling stock chassis under kinematic excitation with consideration of the effect of asymmetry | |
Blanka Skočilasová, František Klimenda, Jan Skočilas, Pavol Novák, Milan Sapieta |
Mechanical properties and production costs of 3D printed composite structures subjected to various humidity levels | |
Marián Handrik, Jaroslav Majko, Milan Vaško, Milan Sága |
Stress and Thermal Analysis of the Tapered Roller Bearing for the Purpose of Determining its Durability | |
Milan Vaško, Marián Handrik, Milan Sága, Lenka Jakubovičová, Peter Kopas |
Analysis of the ability to reduce the noise of a wheel loader controlled loader | |
Peter Kopas, Lenka Jakubovičová, Milan Vaško, Milan Sága |
Research of the strength of an open wagon body loaded with containers, taking into account their elastic-frictional interaction | |
Juraj Gerlici, Alyona Lovska |
Marek Macko, Damian Pietrusiak, Paweł Cyprys, Andrzej Szczepańczyk, Kacper Fiedurek |
Models of polymer surface degradation in application simulation | |
Martina Fusková, Jan Krmela, Vladimíra Krmelová |
Computational Simulations of Selected Mechanical Tests of Polymer Composites at Selected Temperatures | |
Jan Krmela, Vladimíra Krmelová |
Saltanat Nurkusheva, Michał Bembenek |
Modeling of the properties of porous structures made by 3D printing | |
Maciej Berdychowski, Jacek Górecki |
Drive belt model with electrical signal transmission functionality | |
Grzegorz Jan Domek |
Modeling the structure of welded timing belt joints | |
Grzegorz Domek, Piotr Krawiec, Elżbieta Gawrońska |
Analysis of the load of the box wagon body with the sandwich-panel floor | |
Alyona Lovska |
Synthesis and optimization of special mechanisms using Matlab and Adams | |
Alzbeta Sapietova, Vladimir Dekys, Zdenko Savrnoch, Jakub Dolinay, Milan Sapieta |
Critical stress-strain state of the steel belt material used in a belt press | |
Krzysztof Talaśka, Dominik Wojtkowiak, Dominik Wilczyński, Krzysztof Wałęsa, Grzegorz Domek |
The impact of load and pressure changes on the static radius and the length of the track of tire contact with the road surface | |
Konrad Jan Waluś |
Analysis of the movement of the upper limbs of a human in terms of the use of a car by people with physical disabilities - independent loading of a wheelchair | |
Alicja Madej, Joanna Sawicz, Bartosz Wieczorek, Łukasz Warguła, Zhivko Kolev |
The influence of the punch velocity on the belt perforation process | |
Dominik Wojtkowiak |
Finite Element Analysis of plastic riveted joint of the car´s door panel | |
Lenka Jakubovičová, Pavol Novák, Peter Kopas, Ondrej Piroh |
Composite structure design of ultralight aircraft landing gear | |
Ivana Klačková |
Theoretical basis for advanced management of the work of the ADAMS/Solver during multiphysics simulations according to the principles of the TRIZ approach. | |
Jozef Bucha, František Palčák |
Characterisation of treated fillers used in rubber matrix polymer materials | |
Mariana Pajtášová, Zuzana Mičicová, Darina Ondrušová, Slavomíra Božeková, Róbert Janík, Katarína Moricová, Silvia Ďurišová, Simona Lokšíková |
Effect of alternative carbon-based filler on rubber compound properties | |
Darina Ondrušová, Slavomíra Božeková, Mariana Pajtášová, Zuzana Mičicová, Ivan Labaj, Katarína Moricová, Silvia Ďurišová, Simona Lokšíková |
Analysis of cracks in solids with flexomagnetic effect | |
Miroslav Repka |
Analysis of FGM magneto-electro-elastic micro/nano plates by Moving Finite Element Method | |
Ladislav Sátor, Miroslav Repka |
Initial study into tensile properties of pure nylon and nylon reinforced with chopped carbon fiber produced by FFF method | |
Jaroslav Majko, Marián Handrik, Milan Vaško, Milan Sága |
Computer vision as a tool for non – contact deformation measurement | |
Ondrej Piroh, Lenka Jakubovičová, Milan Vaško, Peter Kopas |
Measurement of traction effort under operating conditions. | |
Jędrzej Stanisław Więckowski, Przemysław Moczko, Damian Pietrusiak |
Design considerations concerning a innovative drive system for a manual wheelchair | |
Michał Kończak |
Construction design of equipment for the transportation of oversized cargo | |
Silvia Maláková |
Applications of electric truck in transport logistic | |
Zuzana Malacká, Peter Malacký, Ján Šimon, Zuzana Sedliačková |
Hydroxyapatite and its synthesis | |
Katarína Moricová, Miriama Šarkeziová, Róbert Janík, Mariana Pajtášová |
Digital Trends in Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity | |
Antoni Niepokólczycki |
Conceptual design and strength analysis of a laboratory pulsating-floidized bed dryer | |
Łukasz Gierz |
Influence of chanell shape of multichannel die on the value fo limit force of extrusion process and finall densisty of pellet | |
Jan Górecki |
Experimental Research on New Mounting Methods for Vibration Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Packs on Electromagnetic Exciter | |
Mikołaj Spadło, Grzegorz Ślaski |
Kinematic synthesis of the mechanical system of the landing gear of a transport aircraft | |
Milan Sapieta, Vladimír Dekýš, Alžbeta Sapietová |
Analytical dimensional calculation of a hollow shaft of technical equipment operating in the amusement industry | |
Denis Molnár, Miroslav Blatnický, Ján Dižo, Vadym Ishchuk |
Structural Design of a Rotary Valve Manipulator of Bulk Materials – Strength Design of Connecting Elements of the Frame and Trolley | |
Miroslav Blatnický, Ján Dižo, Denis Molnár, Vadym Ishchuk |
Use of new simulation tools in the simulation of structural elements of vehicles | |
Katarína Pijáková, Milan Sága, Marián Handrik, Milan Vaško, Jaroslav Majko |
Contribution to the determination of the damping of S235JR steel used in automotive industry | |
Barbora Drvárová, Vladimír Dekýš, Zdenko Šavrnoch |
Bump testing of 3D printed composite structures and their numerical analysis. | |
Pavol Michal, Milan Vaško, Milan Sapieta, Jaroslav Majko, Zdenko Šavrnoch, Michal Paulec |
Influence of the gyroscopic effect on the behaviour of the rotor system with a flexible shaft | |
Zdenko Šavrnoch, Alžbeta Sapietová, Michal Paulec |
Increasing the fatigue life of forging tools designed for the production of automotive hinges. | |
Michal Paulec |
Modelling of Yb:YAG laser + arc heat source used for car frames welding | |
Marcin Kubiak, Zbigniew Saternus, Tomasz Domański, Wiesława Piekarska |
Strength analysis of laser-welded sheets in the lap system | |
Tomasz Domański, Marcin Kubiak, Zbigniew Saternus, Wiesława Piekarska |
Research on the parameters of cutting process of corn stalk | |
Dominik Wilczyński, Krzysztof Wałęsa, Krzysztof Talaśka, Dominik Wojtkowiak |
The influence of the center of gravity position on axle load and the friction force | |
Mateusz Kukla |

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