Conference Papers
Damping in magnetorheological elastomers subjected to compressive stress | |
Mateusz Kukla, Ireneusz Malujda, Krzysztof Talaśka |
The influence of the piercing punch profile on the stress distribution on its cutting edge | |
Dominik Wojtkowiak, Krzysztof Talaśka |
Detection of composite damage by IR NDT using ultrasonic excitation | |
Vladimir Dekys, Ondrej Stalmach, Josef Soukup, Alzbeta Sapietova, Lenka Rychlikova |
Experimental and numerical tests of the compaction process of loose material in the form of sawdust | |
Dominik Wilczyński, Dominik Wojtkowiak, Maciej Berdychowski, Jan Górecki, Krzysztof Wałęsa |
Control issues of a fast piezoelectric driven positioner intended for deflection of a high power laser beam | |
Michal Bartys |
The numerical analysis of the interaction between the low-order Lamb wave modes and the surface breaking cracks | |
Michal Šofer, Petr Ferfecki, Martin Fusek, Pavel Šofer, Renata Gnatowska |
Zbigniew Kłos |
Mechanical properties of structures produced by 3D printing from composite materials | |
František Bárnik, Milan Sága, Milan Vaško, Marian Handrik, Alžbeta Sapietová |
Conversion of data from the laser scanner to the Ansys Workbench | |
Ondrej Štalmach, Alžbeta Sapietová, Vladimír Dekýš, Peter Šulka, Lukáš Gajdoš |
Numerical study of the relation between chosen statistical parameters of input stresses and cumulative fatigue damage provided rainflow decomposition | |
Milan Sága, Ondrej Štalmach, Mária Blatnická, Marian Handrik, Zuzana Ságová |
Influence of geometrical parameters of the forming channels in a multichannel die on the limit value of limit force in the process of dry ice agglomeration | |
Jan Górecki, Ireneusz Malujda, Dominik Wilczyński |
Influence of the shape of the piston pressure face on the limit value of compaction stress in the process of dry ice agglomeration | |
Jan Górecki, Ireneusz Malujda, Dominik Wojtkowiak, Dominik Wilczyński |
Assessment of variability of acoustical energy generated by traffic volume | |
Andrzej Bąkowski |
Validation of traffic noise models | |
Andrzej Bąkowski |
Analysis of deformation and microstructure evolution during the cogging process of waspaloy alloy | |
Marcin Kukuryk, Jerzy Winczek, Marek Gucwa |
Numerical model of solidification process of Fe-C alloy taking into account the phenomenon of shrinkage cavity formation | |
Tomasz Skrzypczak, Ewa Węgrzyn-Skrzypczak, Leszek Sowa |
Self-propelled inspection vehicle on omni wheels | |
Jarosław Selech, Dariusz Ulbrich, Konrad Włodarczyk, Żaneta Staszak, Jacek Marcinkiewicz, Dawid Romek, Patryk Wietrzych |
Simulation study of the hydraulic transmitter-receiver system | |
Damian Frąckowiak |
A Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation of the Integral Squeeze Film Damper | |
Petr Ferfecki, Jaroslav Zapoměl, Marek Gebauer, Václav Polreich, Zdeněk Kubín |
Analysis of a tram car ride when passing point frog and when entering curve by specific rail geometry | |
Vladimír Hauser, Juraj Gerlici, Kateryna Kravchenko, Tomáš Lack, Mária Loulová |
Improvement of the bearing structure of the wagon-platform of the articulated type to ensure the reliability of the fixing on the deck of the railway ferry | |
Oleksij Fomin, Juraj Gerlici, Alyona Lovskaya, Kateryna Kravchenko, Pavlo Prokopenko, Tomas Lack |
Defining of the variable rail geometry for vehicle dynamic simulation | |
Vladimír Hauser, Juraj Gerlici, Kateryna Kravchenko, Tomáš Lack, Mária Loulová, Olha Aleksandrovna Potapenko |
Investigation of the impact of geometry of the riser on the location and shape of shrinkage cavity | |
Tomasz Skrzypczak, Ewa Węgrzyn-Skrzypczak, Leszek Sowa |
Numerical modeling of cutting process of steel sheets using a laser beam | |
Zbigniew Saternus, Wiesława Piekarska, Marcin Kubiak, Tomasz Domański, Dorota Goszczyńska-Króliszewska |
Evaluation of the mechanical properties of photopolymers used in Polymer Jetting technology | |
Czesław Kundera, Jerzy Bochnia, Tomasz Kozior |
Dynamics of the mobile platform with four wheel drive | |
Anna Agata Jaskot, Bogdan Posiadała |
Life analysis of the bolted join | |
Milan Sapieta, Peter Sulka |
Piotr Krawiec, Łukasz Warguła, Konrad Waluś, Jarosław Adamiec |
Innovative research method of the fuel injector that allows to evaluate the efficiency of wood chip drive control systems | |
Łukasz Warguła, Piotr Krawiec, Konrad Waluś |
The design of the CNC milling machine | |
Piotr Boral |
Globoid surface shaped with turning and envelope method | |
Rafał Gołębski, Piotr Boral |
Fatigue characteristics of welded high strength steel in the low cycle region of loading | |
Peter Kopas, Milan Sága, Marián Handrik, Milan Vaško, Lenka Jakubovičová |
Modification of the optimalization model for simulation of large-diameter pipes bending | |
Marián Handrik, Filip Dorčiak, Milan Sága, Milan Vaško, Lenka Jakubovičová |
Investigation of strength conditions of the new wagon prototype type Zans | |
Pavol Šťastniak, Marián Moravčík, Lukáš Smetanka |
Design and strength analysis of mechanical rack system | |
Mária Blatnická, Milan Sága, Miroslav Blatnický |
Analysis of driving properties of a three-wheeled vehicle with a newly designed steering system | |
Ján Dižo, Miroslav Blatnický, Pavol Kurčík |
A working design of a bulldozer blade as additional equipment of a compaction drum roller | |
Jarosław Selech, Dariusz Ulbrich, Konrad Włodarczyk, Żaneta Staszak, Jacek Marcinkiewicz, Dawid Romek, Bartosz Baran |
Peculiarities of the mathematical modelling of dynamic loading on containers in flat wagons transportation | |
Oleksij Fomin, Juraj Gerlici, Alyona Lovskaya, Kateryna Kravchenko, Oleksii Burlutski, Vladimír Hauser |
Miroslav Blatnický, Ján Dižo, Mária Blatnická |
Stress analysis in solid-liquid parts of solidifying castings | |
Robert Dyja, Elzbieta Gawronska, Norbert Sczygiol |
Transient analysis of FGM plates bending under thermal loading: comparative study within classical and generalized thermoelasticity | |
Ladislav Sátor |
Road train motion stability in BRT system | |
Vladimir Sakhno, Juraj Gerlici, Viktor Poliakov, Alexandr Kravchenko, Oleg Omelnitsky, Tomáš Lack |
Dynamic simulation of a virtual prototype of a one-track vehicle in motion on uneven ground conditions | |
Krzysztof Łukaszewicz, Norbert Niechoćko |
Ján Vavro, jr., Ján Vavro |
Application of selected computational intelligence methods to sound level modeling based on traffic intensity in thoroughfare | |
Michał Kekez |
Modeling of acoustic pressure variability at thoroughfare | |
Leszek Radziszewski, Michał Kekez, Andrzej Bąkowski, Alžbeta Sapietová |
Monte Carlo comparison of estimation methods for the two-parameter lognormal distribution | |
Ivana Pobočíková, Zuzana Sedliačková, Mária Michalková, Lenka Kuchariková |
Effect of wave propagation and transfer of a sensor on detected acoustic emission signal | |
Marek Raček |
Application of Design of Experiment to a FCAW Process | |
Piotr Kordas, Robert Bęczkowski, Marek Gucwa, Jerzy Winczek |
The influence of the riser dimensions on the effectiveness of feeding solidifying cast elements | |
Leszek Sowa, Tomasz Skrzypczak, Paweł Kwiatoń |
Computer evaluation of the influence of liquid metal movements on defects formation in the casting | |
Leszek Sowa, Tomasz Skrzypczak, Paweł Kwiatoń |
DEM simulation research of selected sowing unit elements used in a mechanical seeding drill | |
Jacek Marcinkiewicz, Jarosław Selech, Żaneta Staszak, Łukasz Gierz, Dariusz Ulbrich, Dawid Romek |
Design of a cultivator mounted on a tractor with a power of up to 20 kW | |
Jarosław Selech, Dariusz Ulbrich, Wojciech Kęska, Żaneta Staszak, Jacek Marcinkiewicz, Dawid Romek, Przemysław Rogoziński |
Wheelset / rail geometric characteristics and contact forces assessment with regard to wheelset rolling | |
Juraj Gerlici, Tomáš Lack |
Wheelset / rail geometric characteristics and contact forces assessment with regard to angle of attack | |
Tomáš Lack, Juraj Gerlici, Pavol Šťastniak |
Profiles synthesis through radii variation of arcs profile method | |
Tomáš Lack, Juraj Gerlici |
Flexible grippers for industrial robots – comparison of features of low-cost 3D printed component | |
Piotr Zbroja, Ksawery Szykiedans, Wojciech Credo |
Preparation and properties of new elastomeric systems containing alternative fillers | |
Darina Ondrušová, Ivan Labaj, Mariana Pajtášová, Juliana Vršková |
Evaluation of passenger riding comfort of a rail vehicle by means dynamic simulations | |
Andrej Suchánek, Mária Loulová, Jozef Harušinec |
Design of a prototype frame of an electrically driven three-wheel vehicle | |
Jozef Harušinec, Andrej Suchánek, Mária Loulová, Pavol Kurčík |
Creation of prototype 3D models using RAPID PROTOTYPING | |
Jozef Harušinec, Mária Loulová, Andrej Suchánek |
Modelling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems in Matlab / Simulink | |
Vladimír Bulej, Juraj Uríček, Manfred Eberth, Ján Stanček |
Comparison of FE analysis and experimentally obtained data for the identification of residual stresses in welded high-strength steels | |
Milan Vaško, Vladislav Baniari, Marián Handrik, Alan Vaško, Lenka Jakubovičová, Peter Kopas |
Design and stress analysis of wheeled compactor construction | |
Lenka Jakubovičová, Milan Vaško, Milan Sága, Peter Kopas, Pavol Novák, Marián Handrik |
Dependence of the Cross Section of the Cut Layer on the Specific Cutting Resistance | |
Jana Petrů |
Investigation of railway wheelset profile wear by using computer tools | |
Lukáš Smetanka, Pavol Šťastniak, Slavomír Hrček |
The concept of vibration damping of the variable mass assembly | |
Rafał Kwiatkowski |
Marcin Nabrdalik, Michał Sobociński |
František Klimenda, Josef Soukup, MIlan Žmindák, Blanka Skočilasová |
Piotr Sikora |
Investigation of vertical vibrations of solid plate space springy stored – vehicle model | |
Josef Soukup, František Klimenda, Marian Handrik, Blanka Skočilasová, Jan Skočilas |
Analysis of a cross-flow influence for a turbulence progress in a initial segment of axisymmetric duct | |
Wojciech Robert Judt, Jarosław Bartoszewicz |
Digital possibilities of reconstruction of machine parts | |
Piotr Paszta |
The influence of geometry of primary air channels in standard retort burners on dust emission | |
Bartosz Ciupek, Jarosław Bartoszewicz |
Determination of the laminate strains using discrete damage mechanics | |
Milan Žmindák, Pavol Novák, Leszek Radziszewski, Josef Soukup, Michal Kaco |
Measurement and analysis of parameters of the precise grinding system | |
Krzysztof Tyszczuk |
Design and manufacture of artificial organs made of polymers | |
Marek Macko, Zbigniew Szczepanski, Dariusz Mikolajewski, Joanna Nowak, Emilia Mikołajewska, Jacek Furtak |
Simlations CAE of wood pellet machine | |
Marek Macko, Adam Mroziński, Adam Prentki |
Correlation image system 3D Dantec as a modern system for measuring deformation | |
Tomasz Domański |
The temperature distribution during heating in hot plate welding process | |
Krzysztof Wałęsa, Ireneusz Malujda, Jan Górecki, Dominik Wilczyński |
Prediction of microstructure composition in steel plate heated using high power Yb:YAG laser radiation | |
Marcin Kubiak |
Analysis of the friction (spin) welding - preliminary study | |
Michał Pietrzak, Krzysztof Wałęsa, Jan Górecki, Dominik Wilczyński, Maciej Berdychowski, Ireneusz Malujda |
Circular and quasi circular paths for the industrial robots measuring with the Renishaw Ballbar QC20-W | |
Vladimír Tlach, Zuzana Ságová, Ivan Kuric |
Camming design for test equipment | |
Petr Hejma, Iryna Hren, Jan Sviantek, Josef Soukup, Martin Svoboda |
Parametric oscilator with perturbation and its analytical solution | |
Pavol Oršanský |
Empirical determination of the mechanical properties of Vacuum Packed Particles | |
Piotr Bartkowski, Robert Zalewski |
Prototype of a controllable damper based on granular materials subjected to partial vacuum | |
Robert Zalewski, Piotr Bartkowski |
Modelling of the pitch of the tooth belt | |
Grzegorz Jan Domek, Michał Wilczyński |
Analysis of reinforcement of the tooth belts | |
Michał Wilczyński, Grzegorz Domek |
Problems of dynamometer construction for wheelchairs and simulation of push motion | |
Bartosz Wieczorek, Łukasz Warguła |
Modelling and static stability analyses of the hexa-quad bimorph walking robot | |
Dominik Wojtkowiak, Krzysztof Talaśka, Ireneusz Malujda, Jan Górecki, Dominik Wilczyński |
Modeling of heat flow using commercial and authorial software on the example of a permanent magnet motor | |
Elżbieta Gawrońska, Robert Dyja, Bartłomiej Będkowski, Łukasz Cyganik |
Analysis of the loss of vehicle motion stability in the conditions of steering control disturbance | |
Andrzej Lewandowski, Marian Dudziak, Michał Śledziński |
The determination of the rolling resistance coefficient of objects equipped with the wheels and suspension system - results of pilot tests | |
Łukasz Warguła, Bartosz Wieczorek, Mateusz Kukla |
The problems of measuring the temperature of the small engines (SI) on the example of a drive for non-road mobile machines | |
Łukasz Warguła, Konrad Jan Waluś, Piotr Krawiec |
Comparison of analytical and numerical solution of bearing contact analysis | |
Peter Šulka, Alžbeta Sapietová, Vladimír Dekýš, Milan Sapieta |
Evaluation of the possibility of using the Drucker-Prager-Cap model in simulations of the densification process of shredded natural materials | |
Maciej Berdychowski, Krzysztof Talaśka, Dominik Wilczyński |
Experimental determination of electromagnetic brake parameters of the positioning system | |
Piotr Perz, Dominik Wilczyński, Ireneusz Malujda |
New model of lumbar spine biomechanics with the use of simulation analysis | |
Łukasz Kubaszewski, Mikołaj Dąbrowski, Krzysztof Talaśka, Dominik Wilczyński |
Experimental tests of vehicle body acceleration at selected railway crossing | |
Konrad Jan Waluś, Jakub Polasik, Janusz Mielniczuk, Łukasz Warguła |
The determination of the value of rolling resistance coefficent of a passanger’s vehicle with the use of chosen road methods | |
Bartłomiej Pałasz, Konrad Jan Waluś, Łukasz Warguła |
The determination of the value of rolling resistance coefficent of a passanger’s vehicle with the use of stationary method on a rolling road dyno | |
Bartłomiej Pałasz, Konrad Jan Waluś, Łukasz Warguła |
The influence of joining technique on the deformation of laser welded T-joints | |
Wiesława Piekarska, Zbigniew Saternus, Milan Sapieta, Peter Kopas |
Using of alternative fillers based on the waste and its effect on the rubber properties | |
Mariana Pajtášová, Darina Ondrušová, Zuzana Mičicová, Robert Janik, Ivan Labaj, Marcel Kohutiar, Beáta Pecušová, Katarína Moricová |
Functional and construction indicator for the briquetting process of lignocellulosic materials | |
Krzysztof Talaśka, Dominik Wojtkowiak, Ireneusz Malujda, Mateusz Kukla, Krzysztof Wałęsa |
Testing of a force sensor used to measure the parameters of the briquetting process of lignocellulosic materials | |
Krzysztof Talaśka, Dominik Wojtkowiak, Ireneusz Malujda, Krzysztof Wałęsa |
Testing of a torque sensor used to measure the parameters of the briquetting process of lignocellulosic materials | |
Krzysztof Talaśka, Dominik Wojtkowiak, Ireneusz Malujda, Krzysztof Wałęsa |
Experimental research on the process of cutting transport belts | |
Dominik Wilczyński, Ireneusz Malujda, Jan Górecki, Grzegorz Domek |
Research on the process of biomass compaction in the form of straw | |
Dominik Wilczyński, Ireneusz Malujda, Jan Górecki, Piotr Jankowiak |
Preliminary research of the thermomechanical properties of the round drive belts | |
Krzysztof Wałęsa, Olga Mysiukiewicz, Michał Pietrzak, Jan Górecki, Dominik Wilczyński |
The directions of the development of the methods for designing the geometric form of the mechanical structures | |
Andrzej Kołodziej, Marian Dudziak, Krzysztof Talaśka |
Design of mechatronic unit for application of coats of adhesive | |
Aleksandra Fierek, Ireneusz Malujda, Krzysztof Talaśka |

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