MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modeling and Simulations 2018

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Investigation of railway wheelset profile wear by using computer tools
Lukáš Smetanka, Pavol Šťastniak, Slavomír Hrček

Last modified: 16. 12. 2018


The prediction of wheel and rail wear is a very important problem in the railway field. The change of the shape of the wheel profile has not only a great influence on the dynamic properties of the vehicle (like stability, safety by passing curved tracks, etc.), the ride comfort of passengers and environmental insults, but also in terms of economics costs (plaining of maintenance interventions). One of the ways to predict these undesired conditions are computer aided simulation analyzes. In this article are presented results of wheel profile wear by Archard wear law, when the vehicle was driving in track by constant velocity. The vehicle was traveling along the track with the theoretical rail profile defined by standard (UIC 60 profile) with cant of 1:40 and the measured profile S 91700_16 with the cant of 1:20. Simulations were realized by SIMPACK software.


This study was supported by Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport under the contract No. 1/0595/18 – Optimising the internal geometry of roller bearings with line contact in order to increase their durability and reduce their structural weight.