MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modelling and Simulations 2023

Theoretical basis for advanced management of the work of the ADAMS/Solver during multiphysics simulations according to the principles of the TRIZ approach.
Jozef Bucha, František Palčák

Building: Hotel pod Zámkom, Bojnice
Room: A
Date: 05. 09. 2023 16:45 – 17:00
Last modified: 24. 08. 2023


Despite the fact that developers are constantly improving the features of
the ADAMS/Solver to independently handle redundant-superfluous
couplings, exceptional-singular groupings, and step-changes of
phenomena, the increasing difficulty of challenges to develop advanced
multiphysics creations places increasingly high demands on the versatility
of user capabilities for advanced management of its algorithms activity:
knowledge of numerical mathematics, mechanics, dynamics, elasticity,
acoustics, hydraulics, materials, flow, heat transfer, electronics, control,
design, production,...
Each industry module (A/Vibration, A/Flex, A/Controls, A/Insight,...) and
industrial module (A/Car, A/Aircraft,...) from the extensive range of the
MSC.ADAMS program for computer support of engineering activities in all
areas of industry (especially transport industry) need an advanced
ADAMS/Solver for their activities.
The challenge for computer scientists is to master the co-simulation for
Intelligent Engineering, which provides a unique multidisciplinary and
holistic view of the properties of the creation in a unified MSC.Apex
environment. The ADAMS/Solver module supports concurrent simulations
in the SCALEXIO environment for real-time simulations thanks to the
functional mockup interface (FMI).
In the paper, we recommend computer replacement of reality with
simulations according to the tools, regulations and guidelines of the TRIZ
approach, because it allows understanding the breadth, depth and overlap
of contexts for reliably, accurately and quickly overcoming the increasing
complexity of input data and challenges having kvantum properties:
entanglement, indeterminancy and interference.
multiphysics simulations, properties of the ADAMS/Solver, mission of the
TRIZ approach