MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modeling and Simulations 2019

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The influence of imperfections on dynamic properties of oscillating rod
Vladimir Dekys, Pavol Novak, Dragan Milosavljevic, Marek Nekoranec, Ondrej Stalmach

Last modified: 16. 04. 2020


The paper deals with the analysis of the influence of boundary conditions on the. dynamic properties of a mechanical system. The steel bar is fixed in one place so that it is inserted under the hydraulic press. The pressure force in the press changes and models the imperfect fixation of the bar. The effect of bond imperfection is evaluated based on rod vibration analysis. This problem is solved computationally, by FEM and the results are compared with experimental measurement.

Acknowledgements: KEGA 017ŽU-4/2017, APVV-0736-12.