MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modelling and Simulations 2022

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Simulation of different geometric variants of spur gears in the context of their complete identity
Karol Konecki, Andrzej Kołodziej, Dominik Wojtkowiak, Krzysztof Talaśka

Last modified: 01. 02. 2023


The process of reverse engineering of gears is already difficult in itself, especially when the geometry of the shifted gears or with atypical (but still recommended) other geometric parameters is reproduced - such as the addendum modification or the nominal pressure angle. The situation is even more complicated when it comes to non-standard or inch gears. In such gears, usually the modulus has a non-normalized value. In the exemplary gear with the module m = 4.98, when trying to recreate the geometry, at one stage, the normalized value of the module m = 5 is selected. This, in consequence, leads to the determination of the values ​​of recreated geometric parameters quite different from the nominal geometric parameters. It turns out, however, that this does not mean that the process of reverse engineering a gear was carried out incorrectly. In the work, simulations of various design forms of gears were carried out in the direction of showing that with different sets of geometric parameters, two gears may still remain completely identical - that is, physically identical, but mathematically different in geometric parameters. And so finally a spur gear with straight teeth and parameters m = 4.98, y = 0.795, x = +0.0695, c * = 0.383 and α = 26.325 ° were replaced with a completely identical gear with parameters m = 5.00, y = 0.793, x = + 0.0325, c * = 0.380 and α = 26.784 °.