MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modeling and Simulations 2019

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Analysis of size of shredded particles in a multi-disc grinder
G Smigielski, Krzysztof Tyszczuk, A Mroziński

Last modified: 16. 04. 2020


The result of a shredding process should be a product of specific dimensions obtained with the consumption of the minimum amount of energy per unit of weight. There are several parameters that affect the efficiency and quality of the shredding process (including temperature and rotational speed). The article presents the station of a multi-disk grinder whose design is based on a computer with a control and measurement application developed in the LabVIEW environment, a CMOS camera, and a multi-functional DAQ device. The station makes it possible to look for optimum settings of the control system in order to obtain an appropriate particle size. The size of the shredded particles is justified by the requirements of the downstream process: extrusion in the case of plastics and digestibility in the case of biological materials.