MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modelling and Simulatioms 2024

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The load on the supporting structure of the gantry crane when moving along the crane track
Ján Vavro, Ján Vavro jr., Ľuboš Marček, Miloš Taraba, Jana Kuricová, Pavol Čerňava, Lukáš Klimek

Last modified: 18. 06. 2024


The paper presents the analysis of the gantry crane loading when driving along the crane track, using a 3D model, for which the analysis of the gantry crane frame loading was performed. The gantry crane is designed to remove dirt that is in front of the turbine under the water surface. For the gantry crane which moves along a track, the directional and vertical unevennesses were determined by experiment and are given in graphic and numerical form in (mm), relating to A track and B track with a total track length of 400 (m). Based on the knowledge of the unevenness of the rail track, the four random functional dependencies defining the irregularities of the individual rails as input variables were used for the kinematic excitation of the individual wheels of the gantry crane. The stress analysis was performed for a travel speed of 15 m/min and a lift of 10 t under the given loading. The results of the stress analysis are presented in graphic form. The stability of the crane during its operation represents the second important factor and it is closely related to the loading of the crane structure. In computer simulations, stability is expressed by the critical force (Fcrit.) and after exceeding it, there will be the loss of the local or overall stability.

Keywords: Loading, virtual model, stress analyse, 3D Model, critical force.